Publisher: “Reverb Publishing”

Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller Episode 3: The Oracle

Erica finally closes in on the serial killer who’s been hiding cryptic clues at crime scenes and going after her friends. But first, her post-cognitive powers are put to the test as she steps into the Oracle’s shoes. In this exciting episode, you’ll play as both Erica AND the killer, reliving the past in graphic detail to understand why this person turned to murder and why Erica’s a target.

Primal Carnage

A predator’s thirst for prey cannot be satiated by anything other than a perfect kill, and soon players will be wielding the blood-parched, unrelenting force of history’s greatest generation of hunters – the dinosaurs.

JAM Live Music Arcade ,

JAM Live Music Arcade gives you the freedom to become the DJ, producer and the band leader for total creative access in a live music sandbox. Allowing players to take on the role of lead guitarist, bassist, drummer, singer and synth player, JAM Live Music Arcade provides a deeper connection to the music through jamming, improvisation and exploration rather than all the emphasis being on the high score. Just grab any one of the plastic guitar peripherals most… Read On »

Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller Episode 1: Hangman , ,

An episodic story in the spirit of Dexter and Heavy Rain, Cognition stars Erica Reed, an FBI agent in Boston, Massachusetts, who lost her brother years ago to a serial killer who was never caught. In the high-stress hunt to save him, she began developing the strange and uncontrolled power of post-cognition: by touching an object, she can see its past, events that happened on, to, or around it. When she comes across a crime… Read On »