Xbox One Update To Fix Useless Consoles On The Way ***UPDATE***

While the majority of day one Xbox One gamers are gleefully enjoying their shiny new consoles, there are reports of consoles that are not fully booting up – including the one in the Gamer Living office.
Some consoles, including our system are experiencing an issue where the Xbox One shows the green splash screen with the XBOne’s logo, but goes no further until it finally just goes to black and does nothing. Fearing the worst, that we could be faced with weeks worth of waiting for another console to become available, we contacted Xbox Phone Support where they offered a glimmer of hope. According to the technician on the line, an update would be going out later tonight to resolve some of the software related issues that gamers were experiencing. This update could be received by an Xbox One in a state similar to ours, as it apparently has the ability to update the system without being fully booted up. Here’s to hoping!
In the meantime, here’s a video of the issue we’re experiencing.
Microsoft’s Xbox Support contacted us yesterday regarding the ticket we submitted for our system’s issue. Although we were able to acquire a new system through the retailer we purchased the machine at, we were able to follow up and verify that there are additional steps, including a manual update method, that our technician said was available through support. We strongly encourage those with similar issues to ours (or any issue really) to contact Xbox Support and see if they can get you working as consoles are still sparse and hard to replace.
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