Author Archive
National Star Trek Convention: Las Vegas – Day 1

I arrived at the Rio Convention center excited. Honestly this is my 6th National convention and only my first in the new location. So while I knew what to expect, I didn’t KNOW what to expect.
Gamer Life – National Star Trek Convention Invades Las Vegas

And so.. it’s that time of year again readers. The National Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas. Yours truly will be on site today to begin my coverage of, not just the panels but, the attempt at the largest gathering of Star Fleet and Alien beings for the record books and a quick walk through of the famous vendor hall. So please, tune in here or follow my Twitter @Halandfen to read about all the… Read On »
Opinion – An Imperfect World

I’ve played MMOs since 2007 when I started with World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Then… at the writing of this article, I booted up something from Perfect World: Star Trek Online (STO). Anyone who knows me from my days before coming to GamerLiving, also knows that I have been playing and reviewing STO since launch day.