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Interview with Adam Urbano, Senior Producer of Injustice: Gods Among Us

With Injustice: Gods Among Us due for release on April 16th, Gamer Living’s Jack Moulder and Ben Bousada paid a visit to Toronto’s famous Distillery District to sit down with Adam Urbano, Senior Producer on the game.
Talking Castlevania with Producer Dave Cox
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow was one of the surprises of the year when it was released back in 2010. Taking a beloved 2D side-scrolling franchise and turning it into a 3D action adventure, all while rebooting the series as a whole was a bold move, but one that paid off, with Lords of Shadow gaining strong critical response across the board and becoming one of the best selling Castlevania games. With a sequel, Mirror of Fate, releasing for the Nintendo 3DS at the start of March, I sat down with Dave Cox, one of the producers of the series, to ask about the upcoming game and the future of the Lords of Shadow series. Read On »
Aksys Games Announces Muramasa Rebirth
Aksys Games has today announced that they are to release Muramasa Rebirth, a follow-up to Muramasa: The Demon Blade. Read On »
Epic Mickey 2 Developer Junction Point Closes
Junction Point, developer of the Epic Mickey series of games, and helmed by famed game designer Warren Spector, has closed. The news was confirmed today in a statement released to Joystiq by Disney, who thanked Spector and his team for their work on the Epic Mickey titles, and attributed the closure to changes within their Games organization. Read On »
2013’s Spring Lineup Is The Best Yet For This Generation’s Consoles
It used to be that the early months of a new year were the perfect time to sit back, relax and catch up with the releases of the previous year that you may have missed. Not so with 2013. Following an already stellar Fall season for gaming, which saw such releases as Dishonored, Assassin’s Creed III and XCOM: Enemy Unknown, you’d expect publishers to take it easy on us game-playing (and reviewing) folk, and give us some breathing room. Read On »
Digifest 2012 with Warren Spector and Marv Wolfman
On October 18, 2012 famed game designer Warren Spector and game writer for Epic Mickey 2, Marv Wolfman, delivered a keynote speech at Toronto’s Corus Quay, as part of Digifest 2012. Focusing mainly on the upcoming Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two, the talk detailed Warren Spector’s experiences with the creation process of both the original Epic Mickey and its sequel. Marv Wolfman focused more on his experience of writing for the game, which was interesting and enlightening, particularly with his descriptions of transitioning from comic to videogame writing. Read On »
Konami’s Pro Evolution Soccer Available On September 25th
Konami have announced today that Pro Evolution Soccer 13 will be released in just over two weeks, on September 25. This gives Konami’s effort a week head start on EA Sports’ FIFA 13. Read On »
Dames Making Games: Toronto Women Create Games In Six Weeks
On the evening of August 18, site staff Vicky, Marce, and Jack headed out into the wilds of Toronto to visit Bento Miso, a creative collaborative workspace located just south of Queen Street West (862 Richmond Street West). It was here that the Dames Making Games (DMG) organization was holding a celebration to honour the creations of their ‘Jeuxly’ (pronounced July) initiative, which intended to introduce six women with no history of game development to the development scene. The ultimate objective was for each of the women to have a playable game to offer at this showcase, six weeks after the program launched. Read On »
Too Many Games, Not Enough Time: The Gaming Backlog
As someone who writes about videogames, I have a confession to make: I haven’t bought a ‘new’ videogame (as in purchased it within a week or two of release) since Skyrim back in November last year. Mass Effect 3 has so far passed me by, as have each and every one of 2012’s new releases. Sure, I’ve played games for review, experienced plenty of demos, and I still avidly keep up with the latest gaming news – I just haven’t parted with my hard earned cash for anything to call my own in over nine months.
This isn’t due to a lack of passion for gaming, as I still play videogames 2-3 hours a night on workdays, and more on days off. I’m excited for the release of Assassin’s Creed III, and, like every year, I’m eagerly awaiting the next iterations of the NHL and FIFA series, which I will play for a good few months. In fact, the main reason I haven’t purchased any new game recently is due to an issue I suspect many of us have encountered, or are suffering from at this very moment: backlog. Read On »
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask Coming To North America
If you’re into puzzles, English accents, whimsical music, top hats and 3D, then you’ll be pleased to know that Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask was given both a teaser trailer and a release date at last night’s Nintendo Direct announcement show. Read On »