Posts in “Feature”
Toronto Unlocked – Giant Xbox One to Be Opened Today At 4PM ***UPDATE***

Xbox fans in Canada have lent their Gamertags to the unlocking of the giant Xbox One in Dundas Square, and finally the moment will arrive. At 4PM this afternoon the colossal console will power up and fans get to see what’s inside!
25 Hours Can Truly Make a Difference! Join Us For The Extra Life Marathon.

Gamers usually start out falling in love with video games at a very young age. I know I can’t remember a time when I didn’t play, so it makes sense that we would encourage and support our youth through the same medium that makes us feel so young at heart. And what better way to do that than to take those games and do a marathon for children who need our support the most, because… Read On »
Wii U Deluxe Set Features Mario and Luigi

Nintendo is releasing a new Wii U Deluxe Set that will include two games from the biggest names in video games. New Super Mario Bros. U and New Super Luigi U will be available, both in disc format, with the purchase of the Wii U Deluxe Set available in stores on November 1, 2013 for the low price of $299.99.
Titanfall Release Date and Collector’s Edition Announced

The long wait is almost over. Respawn Entertainment’s newest game, Titanfall, will be coming to the Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC on March 11, 2014 in North America and then to Europe on March 13, 2014.
Garry’s Incident – Bad Reviews Happen (Opinion)

Recently, TotalBiscuit (The Cynical Brit) released a video explaining why his review of a game by Wild Game Studios entitled Day One: Garry’s Incident was removed from public access. So, why is everyone so upset about one video taken down from YouTube? The answer is a simple one, and it enrages game reviewers all over the world: if it can be done to one review, it can be done to them all. Wild Game Studios… Read On »
Gamers, Personas, and Perception – An Interview With Professor Jamie Banks

With video game violence so often put into the media spotlight after a tragedy occurs, gamers are often portrayed as violent, anti-social individuals.
Making Games Come To Life – An Interview With Project Triforce’s Drew Seldin

Gamer Living’s Will Anderson caught Project Triforce co-founder Drew Seldin on the road to grab his gear for New York Comic Con. He had a chance to discuss some of the products that Triforce will have on display, and the work that goes in to making some of the most iconic pieces of video game art come to life as full scale replicas. WILL: Hi Drew, this is William Anderson from Gamer Living. How’re you… Read On »
An Interview With Lorne Balfe – Behind the Music of Beyond: Two Souls and Skylanders Swap Force

Will Anderson managed to sit down with music composer Lorne Balfe after arriving from his latest tour and chat about the launch of two of his projects – Beyond: Two Souls and Skylanders: SWAP Force, as well as the role of music in video games and more.
Nintendo Showcases a Wide Variety of Indie Games at This Year’s IndieCade

IndieCade is happening this weekend (October 5 – 6) in Culver City, California and Nintendo has a slew of new games to show off there. They will also be hosting a panel on how indie game developers can have their games brought to the Nintendo eShop for the Wii U and 3DS.
Episode 1 of “The Walking Dead” Now Free on XBLA and PSN

You’ve seen the television series, now play the game. The Walking Dead Episode 1: A New Day is now available on the Xbox Marketplace for Xbox 360 (worldwide) and Playstation Network for the PS3 (North America) for free. Episode 1: A New Day is Season One’s first chapter featuring Lee and Clementine’s story. The Walking Dead Season Pass is now only $14.99 on the Playstation Network. The pass will cover all five episodes of Season… Read On »