Posts in “Opinion”
So… Are You Fallout 4 or Not? The Survivor2299 Hubbub

I remember when I was a little girl, my brothers used to play this dirty little mind trick on me to get me all riled up. They’d whisper fake words into each other’s ears, and as soon as I got close enough to barely make out what they were saying, they would both whisper (albeit slightly louder to make sure I heard): “Don’t tell Rachel.” It drove me nuts. I just had to know what… Read On »
Garry’s Incident – Bad Reviews Happen (Opinion)

Recently, TotalBiscuit (The Cynical Brit) released a video explaining why his review of a game by Wild Game Studios entitled Day One: Garry’s Incident was removed from public access. So, why is everyone so upset about one video taken down from YouTube? The answer is a simple one, and it enrages game reviewers all over the world: if it can be done to one review, it can be done to them all. Wild Game Studios… Read On »
Healthy or Hurtful? Gaming Addictions in the Gaming Community

We’ve all been there: just one more level, just one more boss fight – just one more hour. But when does gaming turn from a casual day-off activity into an all-consuming, life-altering experience that negatively impacts the gamer? Video game addiction comes in many forms, and the more educated we are about it, the less likely we are to fall victim to it.
Opinion – An Imperfect World

I’ve played MMOs since 2007 when I started with World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Then… at the writing of this article, I booted up something from Perfect World: Star Trek Online (STO). Anyone who knows me from my days before coming to GamerLiving, also knows that I have been playing and reviewing STO since launch day.
Opinion – Warmachine: Tactics – Finally Done Right?

Sometimes dreams come true. Like discovering the tabletop system you always wished someone would convert into a video game has collected almost twice its Kickstarter goal.
What? Wii U is Evolving! – Commentary on Nintendo’s E3 Presentation

This year, Nintendo did not bring anything really new or revolutionary to the E3 convention. That being said, it didn’t really need to. Its game-changing ideas were revealed in the form of the 3DS and the Wii U before this E3 was even being planned out. The time has come for Nintendo to build up its revolution.
Microsoft 2013 E3 Media Briefing – Innovation Abound With Familiar Faces and New Games

On Monday, June 10, 2013 in beautiful Los Angeles, we at Gamer Living were up at the crack of dawn to join the ranks of early-bird journalists in a lineup outside of the Galen Centre for Microsoft’s 2013 E3 Media Briefing. Friendly Microsoft staff in black and green who were eagerly greeting people directed us through the maze of gates. Despite the early hour (we were within the first 100 people there at 6:30a.m.), there… Read On »
Gambling with Wario on a New Way to Play

There is one game that has me more excited than any other this summer, and that is Nintendo’s Game and Wario.
What’s So Awesome About RPGs?
If you’re anything like me, you like role-playing games. You’ve found yourself ignoring your phone, you’ve stayed up way later than most insomniacs, and you’ve gone so long without eating that your jaw muscles have atrophied. If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent countless hours of your life playing RPGs and don’t regret it even for a second. Yes, if you’re anything like me you think role-playing games are, simply put, awesome. Which brings me to my question: why? Read On »
PETA, Pirates, Pokémon, and You
Shiver me timbers, mates! Batten down the hatches, PETA’s off the starboard side! Hop on the ‘mature games having mature content’ bandwagon and join me, as we explore the big controversy behind Ubisoft’s latest announcement – the release of Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag. Read On »