Developer: “Inc.”

Sports Champions 2 PlayStation 3
- Developer Inc., Zindagi Games
- Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment
- Genre Fitness, Sports
Using the PlayStation®Move motion controller and PlayStation®Eye, players become part of the event as they use their controllers to compete in a variety of new sporting challenges. Building upon the highly praised game mechanics of the first title, Zindagi Games and Sony’s Worldwide San Diego Studio make it easily accessible for players of all levels to jump right into the action. Each of the six events will have you energized as you improve your backswing,… Read On »

Spy vs. Spy iOS
- Developer First Star Software, Inc., Robots and Pencils
- Publisher Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
- Genre Platformer
Based on the original “Spy vs Spy” designed, developed and published by First Star Software, Inc, in 1984 for the Apple II, Atari 400/800 and Commodore 64, the new iOS game brings back the action, humor, challenges and fisticuffs that made it an all-time, multi-million unit selling classic! This modern update includes HD visuals and a player’s choice of modern or retro graphics and sound tracks.