Game: “FanExpo 2012”
Hands-on with LEGO: The Lord of the Rings
With the original trilogy of books, three movies, an extended edition DVD/Blu-ray set, and countless video games set in the Lord of the Rings universe, is there anything new that can possibly be done? You might be surprised. At FanExpo Toronto I found myself amazed by how much fun I had playing LEGO: The Lord of the Rings. The title is a mouthful, but the gameplay strikes the perfect balance between complexity and simplicity. This… Read On »
Hands on With Assassin’s Creed 3
One of the games I was most excited to get my hands on at this year’s FanExpo was Assassin’s Creed III, and the demo at Ubisoft’s booth certainly didn’t disappoint. Although not lengthy, the gameplay featured there allowed you to experience a new type of feature in the Assassin’s Creed franchise: sailing.
Hands-on With Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition For Wii U
As a fan of DC Universe comics, I’m well aware that I’ve missed out on the Arkham games for the Xbox 360. I own a 360, but nowadays it often lies idle while I play on my PC. In between all the other titles that have come out recently, somehow the Arkham games have just slipped through my fingers. In Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, you play as Batman, while facing off against the classic… Read On »
Hands On With Scribblenauts Unlimited For Wii U
At FanExpo Toronto, I got the chance to put my hands on the Wii U. On the final day of the convention, my bag heavy with swag and my feet sore from walking, I finally visited the DC booth to sample their wares. The first game I got the opportunity to play was Scribblenauts Unlimited. I remember when the first Scribblenauts came out for the DS. I spent hours fiddling with combinations of items, solving… Read On »
Hands-on With Dishonored
To err on the side of honesty and transparency, I need to explain how I played Arkane Studio’s new game, Dishonored. Over the course of three days, I played the game three times, and clocked about ten minutes each session. I wish I had six times that amount, because I did not see a fraction of what the demo had to offer. Dishonored is a first-person, objective-based stealth game. The word ‘objective’ confused me as… Read On »
Hands On With Injustice: Gods Among Us
Who would win in a fight, Batman or Superman? At Toronto’s FanExpo, I’m sure this question was asked more than once. I’m equally sure that no satisfying conclusion was ever reached. Instead of just arguing back and forth on the topic, NetherRealm Studios is offering a more hands-on way to answer the question with Injustice: Gods Among Us. Let’s get the biggest and most obvious comment out of the way first: Injustice feels like Mortal… Read On »
Hands On With God of War: Ascension
Sony has one of the larger videogame booths at the 2012 FanExpo Canada convention this year, and has decided to focus their efforts on two of their biggest upcoming releases: PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and God of War: Ascension. I got a chance to sit down with the God of War demo, and although relatively brief, I managed to come away with a decent impression of what to expect from the single-player in the full… Read On »
2012 FanExpo Canada – Day 1 Wrap
Thursday, August 23rd marked the opening of the 18th FanExpo Canada in Toronto, Ontario. Fans of comics, science fiction, horror, anime, and/or gaming converged in the South Hall of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Gamer Living was on scene to experience it right from the beginning when the doors opened to allow a cheering crowd onto the convention floor. Read On »
2012 FanExpo Canada Preview

Summer is going full-bore through August, and while tickets might be sold out for PAX Prime, gamers don’t have to feel left out of the fun as FanExpo Canada invades Toronto, Ontario this August 23rd to the 26th. For those not familiar with FanExpo Canada, this four-day nerd culture mecca draws thousands of comic book, horror, sci-fi, anime, and video game enthusiasts from all over North America. Housed in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre South… Read On »