Game: “Halo 4”
Halo 4 Champions Bundle Drops August 20

343 Industries have announced the upcoming release of their Champions Bundle for Halo 4 releasing to the Xbox 360 on August 20th.
The Sleeper Must Awaken – Halo 4 Review For Xbox 360
This game was reviewed on the Xbox 360. Master Chief returns in the opening chapter of the Reclaimer Trilogy that is Halo 4! 343 Industries officially takes the reigns of the Xbox 360’s flagship franchise with the return of Spartan John-117 with all the glamour and glitz of a motion-picture blockbuster, but is it enough to sate the appetites of the rabid Halo fan? Halo 4 picks up the story left off by Karin Traviss’… Read On »
Fans Fill Dundas Square In Toronto For Halo 4 Infinity Experience

Just several hours before the midnight release of Halo 4, Torontonians were treated to a massive launch event in Dundas Square. The lines were long, the weather was cold, but the fans were cheerful and the event itself expansive.
Hands-on With Halo 4’s Multiplayer
This game was reviewed on the Xbox 360 On October 23rd, Matt Prestwich and I got a chance to try out Halo 4’s multiplayer suite at the Thomson Hotel in downtown Toronto. Held in the majestic 1812 Lounge, the event was set up as a multiplayer tournament, with various teams of four players pitted against each other in a knockout-style competition. The matches were each set up as 4v4 on the Infinity Slayer mode, with… Read On »
Talking Video Games With Pamela Horton – October 2012 Playmate and Kick-Ass Gamer
Gamer Living got a chance to sit down with the Playboy Mansion’s newest resident gamer and Miss October 2012, Pamela Horton to talk about video games, being a female gamer, college, and her future aspirations. Read On »
2012 FanExpo Canada Preview

Summer is going full-bore through August, and while tickets might be sold out for PAX Prime, gamers don’t have to feel left out of the fun as FanExpo Canada invades Toronto, Ontario this August 23rd to the 26th. For those not familiar with FanExpo Canada, this four-day nerd culture mecca draws thousands of comic book, horror, sci-fi, anime, and video game enthusiasts from all over North America. Housed in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre South… Read On »
Halo 4 Xbox 360 And Accessories Revealed at SDCC
This last weekend, Microsoft revealed the Halo 4 Limited Edition Xbox 360 console at the San Diego Comic Convention. Read On »
Halo: Forward Unto Dawn Official Trailer Released
Microsoft and 343 Industries today revealed the official trailer for Halo: Forward Unto Dawn; the live-action mini-series that is set to release this October, a month before the launch of Halo 4. Read On »
Spartan IVs Seen In Halo 4 Campaign?
While performing our review of the Microsoft E3 Briefing and going through our photographs, we noticed something interesting; what appears to be a second Spartan in the Halo 4 Trailer. Read On »
Could Halo 4 Have An Effect On The 2012 Presidential Election?
On November 6th, members of Generation X and Y will be running out in droves, but to where? Both the 2012 Presidential Election and the release of Halo 4 are taking place on that day, and I might be worried if I was President Barack Obama. Read On »