Genre: “Action RPG”

Don’t Starve PC
- Developer Klei Entertainment
- Publisher Klei Entertainment
- Genre Action RPG
Play as Wilson, an intrepid Gentleman Scientist who has been trapped by a demon and transported to a mysterious wilderness world. Wilson must learn to exploit his environment and its inhabitants if he ever hopes to escape and find his way back home. Enter a strange and unexplored world full of strange creatures, dangers, and surprises. Gather resources to craft items and structures that match your survival style. Play your way as you unravel the… Read On »

Sword of the Stars: The Pit PC
- Developer Kerberos Productions
- Publisher Kerberos Productions
- Genre Action RPG, Dungeon Crawler
Sword of the Stars: The Pit is a fun, fast, light-hearted action RPG, made in the tradition of Rogue and other old school dungeon-diving games. Set in the popular Sword of the Stars universe, it delivers a rich backdrop and modern gameplay. Your Character will gain in levels and skill as you defeat more opponents and complete more tasks. Despite being quick and fun, you’ll have to sweat to keep your Character alive and you’ll… Read On »

Clan of Champions PC, PlayStation 3
- Developer Acquire
- Publisher NIS America
- Genre Action RPG
What happens when the world pits traditional weaponry against mysterious, supernatural powers? Blast your foes with short-range magic spells, or engage in brutal physical combat! Combine your physical skills with passive abilities to create the ultimate warrior. Team up with your friends online and challenge even more furious battles!
Torchlight 2 PC
- Developer Runic Games
- Publisher Perfect World, Runic Games
- Genre Action RPG
Torchlight II features randomly generated dungeons for the player to explore, and numerous types of monsters to fight for experience and loot. Torchlight II maintains the same basic gameplay as its predecessor, but features overland areas with multiple hub towns, and a longer campaign. Other new features include time of day cycles, weather effects, and a redesigned user interface. Players are able to customize character appearance with choice of sex, face, hair style and hair… Read On »
Dragon Age 3: Inquisition
- Developer Bioware
- Publisher Electronic Arts
- Genre Action RPG
Dragon Age 3: Inquisition, the next chapter in the award-winning role-playing game (RPG) franchise, is in development at BioWare Edmonton and BioWare Montreal. Coming in late 2013, Dragon Age 3: Inquisition combines the storytelling legacy BioWare is known for, with deep RPG gameplay, all on a brand new RPG game engine underpinned by EA’s critically-acclaimed Frostbite™ 2 technology.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii U
- Developer Capcom, Eighting
- Publisher Capcom
- Genre Action RPG
The popular fantasy action franchise Monster Hunter™ is now one of the most iconic gaming series in the world selling over 21 million copies worldwide since the series began in 2004. Players take on the role of a hunter and are sent to explore a settlement within the Monster Hunter universe, completing quests on their journey to seek and slay monsters while improving their skills and earning equipment upgrades. With many challenging monsters and over 200 quests, the latest… Read On »

Akaneiro: Demon Hunters Mac, PC
- Developer Spicy Horse
- Publisher Spicy Horse
- Genre Action RPG, Dungeon Crawler
“Akaneiro: Demon Hunters” is an action-RPG featuring an Edo-era Japan setting and monsters based on Japanese folklore and myth, all wrapped up in Spicy Horse’s unique dark fantasy style.

Soul Sacrifice PlayStation Vita
- Developer Sony Japan
- Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment
- Genre Action RPG
Prepare yourself for a brutal combat experience where every decision made will have consequential results. Take on the role of a slave who stumbles upon a forbidden book that allows its readers to relive epic battles between sorcerers and monsters of the past. In order to use the magic during fierce battles, the player must be willing to make a sacrifice in exchange – ranging from personal belongings, a limb, or even a life.

Dust: An Elysian Tale PC, Xbox 360
- Developer Humble Hearts
- Publisher Microsoft Studios
- Genre Action RPG
Dust takes place in the world of Falana, inhabited by anthropomorphic animals. Gameplay is presented on a 2D side-scrolling plane. The player controls the titular main character, Dust, as he tries to remember his past. Dust wields a sentient sword, the Blade of Ahrah, as his main weapon. Fidget, the sword’s guardian, acts as a companion for Dust and can shoot projectiles. As the player travels the world, they can acquire power-ups that permanently alter… Read On »
Legasista PlayStation 3
- Developer System Prisma
- Publisher NIS America
- Genre Action RPG
In a time when science and technology have fallen into an age of mythology, one stalwart young man must venture into the mysterious confines of the Ivy Tower to save his sister with the help of a certain relic, an ancient weapon in the form of a girl, which can undo the legacy of his trapped sister. Create and recruit allies, battle monsters, avoid traps, and loot dungeons in this Survival Action RPG, powered by… Read On »