Posts Tagged “PlayStation 3”
Killer is Dead DLC Pics Released

Killer is Dead won’t be released until the end of this month but XSEED Games is continuing to raise interest by releasing new pics from the DLC pack “Smooth Operator”.
New Screenshots Released for Disgaea D2

Disgaea D2 is set to release exclusively to the PlayStation 3 this fall. In preparation, the developer, Nippon Ichi Software, has released some new North American screenshots for the game.
New Monologue Trailer for Lost Planet 3

Is life on E.D.N. III easy? Not really. A fact that Jim Peyton knows well… now.
New DLC Now Available for Injustice: Gods Among Us – General Zod

Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment announced the released of their latest DLC package. General Zod is available now on the Xbox 360 for 400 MSP and the Playstation Network for $4.99. The General Zod DLC character is based on the NetherRealm Studios interpretation of the character. Other DLC packs available today include the Man of Steel Superman skin, The New 52, Blackest Night 2 and Earth 2 packs. The Man of Steel Superman skin is also… Read On »
Walking Dead: 400 Days Launch Trailer Released

The Walking Dead: 400 Days releases across North America no the Playstation Network today. To celebrate, Telltale Games has released a new launch trailer for the DLC.
New Heads and Skins Available for Borderlands 2 Characters

It’s time to dress up your Borderlands 2 characters with some new skins.
Sony and Ubisoft Announce Playstation Exclusives

Sony Computer Entertainment and Ubisoft have announced a new partnership which will provide exclusive content and gameplay for the Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 for both Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag and Watch Dogs.
Nyko Unveils Next-Gen Accessories

Nyko Technologies has unveiled their next generation of accessories for the Xbox One and Playstation 4 as well as the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 at E3.
Skylanders SWAP Force E3 Trailer Released

Skylanders has now expanded on their award winning game with SWAP Force. Now you’ll be able to swap the top and bottom halves of your characters to get new powers and abilities. At the moment there are 16 characters that can be purchased to swap with.
Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Revealed at E3

EA demonstrated their next generation game, Battlefield 4 on Monday.